How the Add Image element works and some ideas on how to use it in your ResponseSuite survey.

Adding images is a great way to make your survey more interactive and engaging! 

The possibilities are endless with the Add Image element so we've put together a few different ways you can use it in your survey.

Add an image as a header:

You can drop an image anywhere you like in your survey, so why not pop one at the top before you delve into your questions. 

This is a great place to put your company banner or logo. You could even add an interesting, on brand photo to pull people into the survey and increase engagement. 

Add multiple images in one space:

If you want to make the layout of your survey more interesting you can add images in columns. This is a really great way adding examples for your answers or if you just want to break up your survey a bit. 

To do this you first need to add a 'section' page element above the images and select how many columns you would like to display. Then you just need to drag in the right number of 'add image' elements. 

Add an image to illustrate your question:

Even the simplest of questions could benefit from an image being added, either to illustrate what your question is about or even just to jazz it up a bit!

You can easily do this by adding a 2 column section break before your question and adding an image to one of those columns. 

BONUS - With the Add Image element you can align your image in the survey builder so that it sits next to your question perfectly. 

Add an image as a footer:

This can be a really great way to end your survey. Add a little thank you or a branded message to give your survey that personal touch.