Add a progress bar to your survey to to show your respondents how far through your survey they are. 

We've specifically designed the ResponseSuite progress bar feature to encourage higher completion rates of your multi-page surveys.

Here's how you add one:

1. Drag a Section Break into your survey.

2. In the properties for the Section Break flick the Page Break switch to green.

3. Click on the cog tab and then you can choose the type of Progress Bar you would like from the dropdown menu.

4. You'll see a preview of the Progress Bar at the top of the survey (in your published survey it will of course appear at the top of each page).

The Percentage Bar

The Percentage Bar has a number of options so you can personalise it and make sure it is on brand:

i. Colour
Choose the colour of the Percentage Bar.

ii. Show Percentage Value

Switching this to green will add text of the percentage to the progress bar.

iii. Striped Active Bar

This is a pretty animation that makes your progress bar look active.

To encourage people to complete your survey, the percentage bar will show as 95% complete on the last page. This is designed to encourage people to finish that last page and hit submit.

If your redirect settings for after survey completion are set to stay on the same page then the bar will show 100%.

The Steps Bar

Like the Percentage Bar, the Steps Bar has a number of options you can tinker with to make your survey more on brand.

i. Colour
You can choose the colour of your steps. We'll show the pages someone has completed in the colour you choose, the current page they are looking at will be in a slightly lighter colour and pages still to come in grey. 

ii. Step Numbers
Switch this to green and the step numbers will appear inside of the steps.

iii. Step Outlines

Add a nice extra outline to the step circles to give it a bit more 'pop'.

iv. Step Labels
Add names, titles or other text under each step. This is a great way of splitting up your survey by having different themes or topics on each page.