Personalise your surveys and thank you pages by merging answers into questions, headlines and body text.

Imagine you ask "What is your Dog's name?" and your respondent answers "Billy".

Wouldn't it be cool if your next question said, "Awesome, upload a photo of Billy"?!

We've made it super easy to do in ResponseSuite.

Watch the video:

Or here's the written version:

Step By Step

1. Select the Question you'd like to use the answer from.

2. Click the cogs.

3. Enter some default text into the Marge Label field.

Note this is the same text that will appear if no value is entered into the question. So try and go with text that will make sense if nothing is entered.

4. Select the question, headline or body text where you'd like the answer to the previous question to appear.

5. Click the Merge Labels dropdown from the menu and select the Default Text you entered.

You're done.

This works in questions, headlines and body text in your surveys and in headlines and body text on Thank You pages. What an amazing way to personalise your surveys, quizzes, forms and questionnaires.