Whenever you’re using a Fixed Date & Time countdown, you won’t need to ‘trigger’ the countdown for your subscribers because everyone’s timers will be set to expire at your chosen date and time.

When setting up an Fixed Date & Time countdown, you will see one field; the Expired Offer page.

(NOTE: You will not see a field for the 'Active Offer page' because that field is not required for a Fixed Date Timer)

In this field, paste the URL of the page that you would like your Countdown Hero to take your subscribers to when their timer expires.

Do Not Redirect

It’s not always preferable to redirect everyone from one page to the next when their countdown timer expires.

For example, you could be counting down to a webinar STARTING (rather than expiring) and so redirecting people away from the webinar likely isn’t a good idea.

In this case, you can toggle ON the ‘Do Not Redirect’ field, which means that when the subscribers Countdown Hero expires, they won’t be automatically redirected through to the Expiry page and will instead remain on the Active Countdown URL page.

Once you’ve configured each of your page settings, you can hit ‘Save’ and move onto the next step.
