The best way to improve your surveys is to track the number of visitors you get and the percentage of them who complete your surveys.

Here is how ResponseSuite decides on a Click, Visitor and Completion Rate as displayed in the table at Surveys > View

  1. Clicks - This is the small number on the second line in the Visitors column. This is the number of times your survey has been loaded in total and includes every time one single person refreshes, re-loads and visits that survey.

  2. Visits - Using a special formula we created called the Fingerprint, ResponseSuite identifies when the same person visits your survey. This is a more accurate representation of how many individual people have visited your survey.

  3. Completion Rate - This is the percentage of Visitors who submitted your survey and is calculated by simply presenting the number of Submissions received as a percentage of Visits (unique people)

These numbers are inclusive of surveys embedded on other web pages.