We hate it when we see an offer that is 'expiring soon'... but you can get around it by resetting your cookies, logging in on a different device or saving the URL for later.

That's why Countdown Hero uses our unique '404 Method' to keep your offers secure and the urgency, REAL.

Once you've set up your Countdown Hero across each of your special offer pages, Countdown Hero will 'lock' your pages.

That means that when you try to access your offer page using the 'normal URL', you'll be presented with a 404 error - as if the page no longer exists.

NOTE: If you need to edit the page at any point, you can enable Test Mode to 'unlock' that page for you.

In order for your subscribers to access your page, they will then need to have these 2 things;

  1. An ACTIVE countdown timer for that particular offer (Which can be triggered in a number of ways based on your specific email marketing platform of choice)

  2. Your unique Redirect URL (The magic link inside of Countdown Hero that you will use instead of your normal offer page URL)

Once your subscriber clicks the Redirect URL, Countdown Hero will then immediately check if their countdown is ACTIVE or has EXPIRED and then instantly take them to the correct page accordingly:

  • If their countdown is Active, they'll go to your offer page.
  • If their countdown is Expired, they'll go to your expiry page.

All whilst everyone else is being securely locked out by the 404 Method.

Seeing a 404 Page using a 'Fixed Date & Time' Countdown Hero?

If you're seeing a 404 Page when adding our 'Fixed Date & Time' Countdown Hero code onto your page, this typically means that there is something on/inside your page builder that is affecting your CDH Code and causing it to 404.

To resolve this, we recommend disabling any plugins that affect code scripts such as those which delay the appearance/loading of scripts and elements. When they are disable, republish your countdown page and try to access it once again - disabling these plugins should allow the page to load correctly with your timers.

In the case that disabling page plugins doesn't resolve the 404, please contact our Countdown Hero support team via < support@emailmarketingheroes.com >, making sure to include the following details;

  • Which Countdown Hero you're adding onto the page
  • Which Page Builder you are using
  • The exact URL of the page that is 404-ing